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Currency converter PRO

Currency converter for Google Chrome fast and easy to use.


Describe your business

Hi my name is Jaime, I am a Google Chrome developer. I sell my extension for google Chrome called "Currency Converter PRO”


This extension has a great monthly growth within the Chrome Store and the Google team has chosen it for featured. This extension has more than 117,000 users.

This extension is used daily by thousands of users a day, banks, financiers, traders from all over the world use it, especially in the United States, Saudi Arabia and Japan. It really is positioned in a value market.

Why are you selling the business?

I am not an expert in monetizing extensions. This extension managed by a financial company could earn a lot of money with the users it already has, it is a market of great value, the extension has good ratings and is well positioned within the Chrome Store, this extension is top1.

What is included in the sale?

  • All the code.
  • All graphics.
  • Transfer of the extension.

I will also transfer the extension from my Chrome Store account to the developer account you give me, you will be the only administrator.

The process is very easy and usually does not take more than 7 days. I've done this process before with other extensions sold and it usually doesn't take longer.

What is the technological stack?

html5, CSS and jquery

What actions are required to keep the business working?

None really, the converter extension is a completely automatic business.

How does your business make money?

Wise Affiliates.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

Nothing, the traffic is completely direct, this extension is the number one converter and it is the most used converter and with the most users of the Google Chrome browser.

How can the future owner improve this business?

Add SaaS website

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

January 2019

Post Sale Support


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