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AI Chatbot Apps

AI chatbot apps (Android + iOS) with 152 active subscriptions and $1500 monthly recurring revenue.


✨ Editor's Choice

Key Highlights

  • 152 active subscriptions generating $1500 of monthly recurring revenue.
  • $10 avg. monthly revenue per purchase.
  • More than 165K user sign-ups with their emails addresses available.
  • 1.2K+ organic installs per day.
  • Apps built with Flutter, backend built with Firebase + Python.
  • High subscription retention rate.
  • Very high potential of growth.

The app is an AI chatbot powered by OpenAI API. The app showed great potential in terms of growth and revenue, even if it's fairly new (3 months old). A much better numbers can be achieved if the buyer implemented new features, which I have a few ideas for, and market it in a more efficient way (I'm bad at marketing).

The app gets 1-3 support tickets every few days, so it won't be much of a problem to keep up with it.


Most of the app's users are using the app for their work or school. They love the app according to their feedback, and a high percentage of the users keep their subscriptions active.

Here are the top countries in terms of revenue: USA (29.7%), United Kingdom (8.4%), Germany (5.3%)

Here are the top countries in terms of users: USA (10.11%), Colombia (7%), Philippines (7%)


The app generates revenue from subscriptions. There are rewarded ads that allows the users to watch ads and get free credits, but these only generate around $150 per month.

The subscribers have been growing steadily since the launch of the app.

Why are you selling the business?

As I mentioned in the project description, I'm bad at marketing. I feel this project could achieve much more better results with someone with better skills and more resources.

What is included in the sale?

  • Domain
  • Mobile applications (iOS + Android)
  • Marketing materials
  • Transfer of the app to your app store accounts
  • Source code
  • Deploying the code to your backend
  • Source files for logos and screenshots

What is the technological stack?

  • Apps are built with Flutter
  • Backend is built with Flask/Python + FireBase + AWS

What actions are required to keep the business working?

An active Apple developer and Google Play developer memberships, and a hosting account to host the backend.

How does your business make money?

The app generates revenue from subscriptions. There are rewarded ads that allows the users to watch ads and get free credits, but these only generate around $150 per month.

The subscribers have been growing steadily since the launch of the app.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

I have ran a few campaigns on Google Ads.

How can the future owner improve this business?

There are a lot of opportunities to grow this project. From adding new features to building a proper user acquisition strategy. The new owner could also increase pricing, as the pricing of the plans in the app is much cheaper than other compitetors.


Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.

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Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

February 2023

Post Sale Support


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