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Legends of Uzarn

A web 3 blockchain card game that is full of fun


Describe your business

A blockchain card game, similar to Magic the Gathering, using the latest blockchain technology, to record cards and games in a decentralized manner. Strictly non-pay-to-win and a ton of fun.

Why are you selling the business?

I do not have the time to run this any longer.

What is included in the sale?

Full code base, domain name, social accounts and product.

What is the technological stack?

Typescript, Dotnet, Kubernetes, React, NextJS, PhaserJS.

What actions are required to keep the business working?

Monthly server cost. New feature development. Social media interactions.

How does your business make money?

Sells card and cosmetic NFTs.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

Social media and SEO growth. Zero dollars have been spent on advertisement in order to grow the business.

How can the future owner improve this business?

Add new cards and content.


Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.

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Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

March 2022

Post Sale Support


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Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!

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