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Solvix AI

AI-powered tool that answers complex questions about any school subject in seconds using photos or screenshots.


✨ Editor's Choice

Describe your business

This AI education photo recognition software allows users to submit photos or screen shots of any type of academic question, ranging from middle school level to advanced college coursework, including complex math equations. The software is designed to analyze and solve these questions simply and easily, providing a convenient tool for students seeking quick and accurate answers.

Why are you selling the business?

I don't currently have the bandwith to scale this brand with my other companies, I'm super confident and excited about this business and Id love to see it taken to its full potential in someone elses hands :)

What is included in the sale?

Youll recieve website, backend code, domain, membership platform with current users, hosting account, and assistance from myself and our CMO to get everything settled comfortably with the transition.

What is the technological stack?

Webflow, React, Javascript, OpenAI, AWS, Mathpix, memberstack, Render.

What actions are required to keep the business working?

This business is very lean and self sufficient. Once transfer is complete business will be up and self sustaining indefinitely with next to $0 in operating costs.

How does your business make money?

Subscriptions are the method of holding users and earning money on a MRR and YRR model.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

Organic social media marketing, SEO ads with google and promoted posts on tiktok and facebook is the only strategies needed.

How can the future owner improve this business?

Adding new features and improvements down the line can greatly help the success of this business under the right hands and with someone who can invest more into this startup. A chrome extension is something super valuable that can be added to make this better than all competitors. I can provide an entire document with everything needed (designs, uses, and instructions ) + contact to a contractor developer whos ready to complete this.

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

September 2024

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