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We help users to find their local Real estate brokers and connect with them.


Describe your business we help user to find Real estate broker in there city based on the leads shared by Brokers and we connect with them directly without any data collection from user.

Why are you selling the business? Due to lack of resources and I already invested my personal finances on this , I started this as a passion but to keep it running need more investment, So i am moving away right now from this to gain some more financial stability.

What is included in the sale?

Domain , CodeBase, Post sale 15 day support on codebase.

What is the technological stack?

Next.js, Supabase Auth and DB, Resend as SMTP client, Shadcn for UI, Typescript, and Its PWA compatible.Vercel as Host.

What actions are required to keep the business working?

Its all day running app without much of manual intervention, Buyer have to setup there DB, auth , SMTP client, and host which is one time setup and for all this setup they will receive a documentation, If they want to setup exactly same us what currently app have they can just setup using documentation like DB tables, functions, trigger e.t.c, we don't have any subscription tech integrated like stripe or any other Buyer can setup or integrate based on their choice.

How does your business make money?

Currently we are running on freemium model and later once we have 50 Brokers in initial 5 cities we will roll out our subscriptions per brokers 20$ a month,

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

we did mouth publicity through which we could able to collect interest from 30 Real estate broker in a tier 3 city and they are ready to pay, other than that we have a beautiful agent card which have QRcode on it to view brokers leads through that user regularly visit our website.

How can the future owner improve this business?

if futureo  owner can somehow make broker charges transaction through brokersify payment channel and charge based on percentage on it then it will exponentially increase the revenue,

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

October 2024

Post Sale Support


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