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Language tutoring platform for students and private tutors for live lessons
Profitable language tutoring platform with $150,000+ in TTM revenue and $83,000+ in TTM profit that connects students with private language tutors online globally for live one-on-one lessons. We offer ten popular languages: Spanish (most popular), English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Mandarin, and Japanese.
✅ $150,000+ in TTM revenue ✅ $83,000+ in TTM profit ✅ 40,000+ targeted email list ✅ 300+ pre-vetted tutors for ten languages (plus 5,000+ email list of applicants) ✅ Competitors: iTalki, Verbling, Preply, Cambly
Business model and pricing
Majority of customers are on prepaid 6-month plan, ranging from $59.99/mo to $179.99/mo.
Tech stack this product is built on
React, AWS, Node.js
Product competitors
Growth opportunity
Key assets
Reason for selling
Over the past two years, our time, investments, and resources have been fully focused on a new startup, and we want to pass the torch to someone who can take what we've built and bring it to the next level.
Business Start Date
February 2016
Post Sale Support
Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!
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