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Helpdesk to create and manage tickets directly on Slack (like Atlassian Jira)
Describe your business
Floater is a mini helpdesk that lets user create and manage tickets directly on Slack. It can enable teams to submit tickets and resolve them without ever leaving Slack.
Functionalities in the Floater:
Why are you selling the business?
I am selling this project because I am busy with my full-time job and no longer have time to maintain this project.
What is included in the sale?
What is the technological stack?
What actions are required to keep the business working?
It's a low maintenance business. Just keeping servers ON is sufficient to keep the business running.
How does your business make money?
Subscription model
What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?
Free trials to engineering teams, answering relevant questions on Quora, list on product hunt
How can the future owner improve this business?
You can do marketing in initial few months to reach at least a 1K users and then start subscription model to convert them into paying customers. I feel the drop-off would be minimum because it integrates nicely with their Slack. Unless pricing is too high for startups they would likely stick with the offering.
Business Start Date
August 2022
Post Sale Support
Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!
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