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Describe your business

Offmarket helps micro PE, VC funds, and acquisition entrepreneurs find software off-the-market acquisition opportunities.

Currently tracks data from 6 major app marketplaces (WordPress, Shopify, GitHub, Indie Hackers, Bubble, Figma) of 93k+ products, with 15+ data points, and at least 6 months of historical performance data.

I built it as a response to constantly growing competition on acquisition marketplaces and overvalued asking prices. With Offmarket, users can easily build their own off-market deal flow and reach out to owners directly, getting better prices as a result.

The app lets users identify promising products before they take off, detect those that hit a plateau and other interesting trends.

Why are you selling the business?

I'm selling it as I'm running 3 other projects and one of them really took off so I want to finally focus on one thing at a time.

What is included in the sale?

App, website, email list

What is the technological stack?

Rails, Postgres

What actions are required to keep the business working?

The only thing needed is to run the scrapers on a monthly basis to keep collecting the data

How does your business make money?

Subscriptions to access the database

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

Reaching out to a bunch of acquirers on social and communities

How can the future owner improve this business?

Start proper marketing by doing cold outreach at scale to VCs and individual acquirers, search ads, sharing data reports on socials and newsletter. Also, keep improving the product by adding more data points and sources.


Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.

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Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

October 2023

Post Sale Support


Contact Seller

Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!

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