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Memorize By Heart

A tool to help you memorize faster and retained for longer. Used by professionals to students


✨ Editor's Choice

Describe your business

A SaaS tool to memorize anything, faster. That is accomplished by a variety of modules which apply the human senses: haptic touch feedback, audio playback, visual cues, voice recording + feedback. Sorry, no smelling the memorization. Some modules will give you a score based on how well you did. Then customers will receive notifications in a spaced repetition way to do the modules again for longer retention. Different languages are supported.

Why are you selling the business?

Passion. I have stopped working on it due to other interests. It has been self sustaining without me for the past year. In fact, it's grown more. Memorize By Heart needs to find a home who will take care of it.

What is included in the sale?

Everything. All code.

  • Apple app + stickers
  • Google Play Store app
  • Website + stripe integration
  • All design assets
  • Customer support/feature request emails from customers
  • Trello board with future ideas if you'd like
  • Facebook Group (hasn't been too helpful)

What is the technological stack?

Mobile App:

  • React Native + Redux
  • Firebase (Auth, storage, analytics)
  • RevenueCat


  • Nextjs + redux
  • Firebase
  • Stripe

What actions are required to keep the business working?

Occasional updates are required to the apps from Apple and Google.

How does your business make money?

Free to download, pay for premium features by either subscription ($1.99/month, $7.99/year) or one big payment of $15.99. Premium features are:

  • Unlimited memorizations. Free customers only get 2
  • Cloud storage (access memorizations on any device)
  • One more learning module
  • scan or upload files to add a text

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

  • Product Hunt (5th of the day on October 6, 2018)
  • SEO / Searching in store for app
  • Facebook Groups

How can the future owner improve this business?

  • Ability to memorize together. I called it "groups" and I was halfway through the code. Should be an awesome feature that makes the business explode!
  • More modules/games. I had many that I wrote down on the Trello board.
  • Dynamic spaced repetition based on customer's progress
  • Better internationalization


Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.

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Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

September 2018

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