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A curated weekly newsletter that makes marketing actually enjoyable with $8850 TTM (trailing twelve months) revenue
Describe your business
A curated weekly newsletter that makes marketing actually enjoyable with $8850 TTM (trailing twelve months) revenue. Stay informed on the latest news, tools, and insights, for free.
Why are you selling the business?
I have a job and also several side projects which started picking up steam.
What is included in the sale?
What is the technological stack?
WordPress website, Mailer Lite ESP, Ad-booking system in Google Sheets
What actions are required to keep the business working?
-Writing newsletter every week -Marketing it
How does your business make money?
It earns revenue through 3 different channels: -Sponsorships -Classified ads -Affiliates
What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?
Two main channels of growth are Product Hunt and Indie Hackers. Indie Hackers drove 1200+ active subscribers whereas Product Hunt drove upto 800 active subscribers. Rest came through Twitter and word of mouth etc. Recently, I started posting newsletters on the website and SEO is just kicking in.
How can the future owner improve this business?
-Engage in previously inactive paid community and promote it in the newsletter. -Increase sponsor ad price. -Create a paid-only version of the newsletter, and use the free version as an acquisition channel. Just like KickstartSideHustle is doing. -Start providing roastmylandingpage.com like services for $99-199 each. -Offer consulting / services to B2B companies. -Eliminate classified ads and replace them with 2nd sponsor ad and instantly increase ARR by 30%. -Create your own courses / ebooks etc.
Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.
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May 2020
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