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A fiat-to-crypto on-ramp, cryptocurrency brokerage


Describe your business

Coinvendor is an easy to use on-ramp for crypto. With simple bank payments, users get cryptocurrency deposited right to their address. Coinvendor also allows hedged purchases, meaning that if you submit an order today and pay in 5 days, you get the purchased crypto at the price 5 days ago - so you can safely delay paying and not risk price slippage.

Why are you selling the business?

The upcoming AMLv5 directives from the EU are too much for me to bother with, and I have too many other projects that don't need that level of engagement.

A note about the revenue / earnings. The site is fee based, so depending on how many orders you get, you keep 3-5% of that amount. This can mean that some months you get 300 USD because sales were only 10000 USD due to a bear market, while other months it may earn 30000 USD because you had orders worth 1 million USD. Thus, take the numbers on this site with a grain of salt - it all depends on how much marketing you do.

What is included in the sale?

The source code, the official redesign (ready, just needs to be turned into HTML/CSS and applied), and optionally a level 4 verified enterprise crypto exchange account for a smooth transition.

What is the technological stack?

PHP, Nginx

What actions are required to keep the business working?

Make it compatible with AMLv5 before 01.01.2020. and that's it. Maybe apply redesign to make it more appealing, add some more coins, etc.

How does your business make money?

Fees on trading.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

It's being promoted on Bitfalls.com

How can the future owner improve this business?

Redesign, apply some marketing and advertising, add more coins.

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

January 2018

Post Sale Support


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