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Know Octopus

Chat with more than 500 PDFs at the same time.


Describe your business

It is a platform where you can create multiple AI agents, load up to 500 files, and chat with them.

You will get relevant information from your files.

For example, imagine that you have a little topic in hands and you want to get all the information from a really big PDF or even multiple PDFs. You can create an agent, load all this information, and get relevant information asking the proper questions.

Why are you selling the business?

I created this for myself a few months ago and I don't have time to make any kind of promotion or continue working on it.

I still think that it's a really good product that you can get customers and people willing to pay.

What is included in the sale?

I will share everything related to this project including the code, the domain, and even the host itself.

What is the technological stack?

It's done with Laravel, PHP and using Livewire and React for the frontend.

How does your business make money?

There are multiple price types coded into this project, you can for example, sell a monthly or yearly subscription or a one-time payment up to you!

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

I haven't done anything on marketing, it's not even released in Product Hunt or that kind of platforms. Maybe just a few tweets on my account.


Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.

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Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

October 2024

Post Sale Support


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Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!

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