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B2B staff management SaaS : custom shifts + detailed auto time tracking for on & off field staff


Describe your business

B2B SaaS: $87.1 TTM revenue, $84.49 TTM profit. Ideal for medium-sized businesses - especially those managing sales/service teams and live time tracking on/off-field staff worldwide. Web + mobile application with 80+ users in 2nd month, no marketing spend, most new clients on a free trial.

What Features Does The Website + Mobile Application Allow?

Customers can do/have the following:

  • Clock in/clock out with geolocation coding
  • Live track on-field + off-field employees from your main dashboard
  • Check on-field employees' complete tracking/movement history
  • Manage multiple locations + use filters to manage employees
  • Give access to managers to manually clock in in case of emergency
  • Personalised dashboards for each employee
  • Custom shifts for each employee
  • Get notified if an employee is double booked
  • Get daily reminders/notifications to clock out
  • Automatic clock out post 3 hours after a shift if an employee forgets (highlighted differently in timesheet)
  • Align tasks & responsibilities effectively
  • Align staffing needs with business requirements
  • Choose & give access to what the employees can see
  • Store employee data
  • Capture real-time data & metrics (eg. Check who has reached the office or track live where the on-field employee is currently)
  • Monitor weekly & monthly employee attendance & detailed timesheet
  • Deep dive into employee's history to identify trends & keep data in order
  • Instantly Auto generate PDF reports for each employee anytime
  • Notify employees, adjust schedules & resource allocation, and streamline workforce
  • Custom mobile phone UI + can operate on any device ( laptop, Ipad, phone, etc)

And still a lot more!!...

We bootstrapped the project and spent most of our time coding, having an extremely strong feedback loop with our first customers & battle-tested every feature.

Why are you selling the business?

I primarily build products, do the grunt work, battle-test them, and then head out for a quick exit. I handle 0-1, so you can go 1-100.

What is included in the sale?

  • Codebase and IP
  • Website
  • Social media accounts
  • Domain
  • Marketing materials
  • Brand
  • Customers

What is the technological stack?

React, Firebase, Stripe

What actions are required to keep the business working?

  • Increase digital marketing
  • Hire a B2B sales team
  • Focus on SEO
  • Increase pricing
  • Increase content marketing

How does your business make money?

B2B SaaS charges a classical free one-month trial SaaS model after which a monthly fee of £1.5 per employee is incurred

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

  • no sales & marketing expertise
  • no sales & marketing budget
  • onboarding experience can be better as we rely too heavily on word of mouth

How can the future owner improve this business?

3 main types of buyers:

  1. buys Harlyy and grows it on its own
  2. Has an existing client base & software that they also now direct to Harlyy
  3. Buys Harlyy to integrate with their current software

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

May 2023

Post Sale Support


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