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An app never sold before,extremely popular type of app and will have your audiences glued,extremely fun and easy to play
Im selling this app and transfering it to the owner, the ownership of the app published that is ads will be intergrated with no additional cost
this type of app spreads like wildfire as its an easy stategy game and a similar app such as this has gotten over a million downloads , so this is the perfect app to invest in
the app was published around 2 months ago
made a website service which is fully automated and parts of it can be put into manual mode, it gives the ability to auction a website , domain or app, you can charge a listing fee and percentage fee when sold, its live, im planning to sell if off, let me know if interested
Business Start Date
October 2019
Post Sale Support
Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!
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