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Profitable Shopify $11,411.39 in TTM revenue and $8700 in TTM profit that helps merchants install multi facebook pixel
Describe your business
You must have heard that Apple is making big changes to data tracking permissions in iOS 14 and Safari, Update Facebook Pixel tracking gets less effective. Simply now you can't receive any add to cart, check out, purchase & other events if you are using iOS 14 of Safari. That trend for data protection is already accepted by Google Chrome and other browsers, so in the near future you can lose up to 60% of all pixel events. No doubt advertising will be less effective, ROI/ROAS lower and businesses will suffer a lot.
The Shopify App can help to solve this problem. It will update your current pixel (Don't need to set up a new one) and setup Facebook Conversion API to track all general events on iOS 14 update and future versions of iOS and Mac OS. So if you set up Conversion API tracking from your website, you still be able to receive all pixel events and run conversion optimization ads.
Our app is top-rated and tracks all the pixel events necessary to train your Facebook Pixel to become Super Intelligent for Optimize Conversion type ads. We wanted to make sure that our app is very affordable and easy to use for first-time Shopify store owners, so they don't spend too much time and money on their apps. This gives sellers a better chance to successfully make more money selling their products online.
Why are you selling the business?
Building and running this app has been an absolute joy. We haven't been able to give it the full-time attention it deserves and would like to find a buyer who can take it to the next level 🚀
What is the technological stack?
PHP, Laravel, Bootstrap, Javascript, Digital Ocean
What actions are required to keep the business working?
Easily grown installs through marketing and cross-app promotion. Loved by customers, easy to setup and get going with high upgrade rates
How does your business make money?
I used free method , Youtube / fb group posting to get install
What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?
How can the future owner improve this business?
I can give you 3 month support of the app
Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.
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Login to viewBusiness Start Date
February 2021
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