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An automated system for getting fast, objective feedback from multiple references on applicants.


Describe your business

A platform that allow companies to digitalise the employment reference checking process. It is an automated system for getting fast, objective feedback from multiple references on all of your applicants!

It is easy and can be used by anyone – individuals and organisations. An organisation might use it to as part of the reference checking process used during the hiring process. An individual might want to quickly check the references on a painter, roofer or housekeeper.

It is easy to use for individuals, recruiters and human resource personnel. It provides meaningful reporting capabilities to allow you to make fast and conscious decisions. It is a robust technology platform that is highly secure to guarantee confidentiality and protection to all parties concerned at all times.

Why are you selling the business?

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

What is included in the sale?

Domain name Source code

What is the technological stack?

Java, Javascript, jQuery, Laravel, MySQL, PHP, Spring Framework

What actions are required to keep the business working?

General marketing

How does your business make money?

Subscription based model

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?


How can the future owner improve this business?

Launch a blog and be consistent with it Launch on product hunt Sell directly to companies and employers Partner with recruitment agencies

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

March 2020

Post Sale Support


Contact Seller

Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!

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