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A Global Community for Recording & Sharing Video Tutorials


Describe your business

PresentationTube project has been launched to help teachers and professionals record and share quality video tutorials easily and effectively. This project offers presentation and screen recording tools with modern online video sharing and management platform. PresentationTube Recorders allow you to narrate and annotate PowerPoint slides and synchronize a variety of essential visual media. The Recorders automate the process of recording and ensure that presenters only need minimal technical knowledge and spend no additional time creating materials and videos.

The online platform uses the latest YouTube Data API technology to upload, process, and host video tutorials and combine video with scrollable slide thumbnails, allowing the audience to move to the respective video content and control both the progress and length of video tutorials. Both the software and the online platform is available with unlimited video storage space and video delivery bandwidth.

You can use PresentationTube to support learning by presenting curriculum materials, illustrating ideas that are less easily explained through traditional media, supporting new types of learning opportunities, and providing enrichment activities for learners in traditional face-to-face settings or through e-learning environments.

Why are you selling the business?

I am a university professor and have no tine to maintain and manage the project which is growing rapidly

What is included in the sale?

  1. Web Domains PresentationTube has four registered domains since ten years: presentationtube.com, presentatiotube.net, presentationtube.org, and presentation.tube. These popular and commercial domains were estimated using well-known web services.
  2. PresentationTube Website https://presentationtube.com A stable and advanced YouTube-Data API platform with video uploading facility, user management, video management, and video sharing services, with 34,000+ active users and 18,000+ videos.
  3. Video Recording Software
  • Windows 10 video recording software built with Visual Studio 2019, with full captioned source code.
  • Chrome Extension for recording and uploading video presentation with native JavaScript and HTML code.
  1. Social Media & Networks

What is the technological stack?

PHP, MySQL, VB.NET, YouTube Data API

What actions are required to keep the business working?

Minimum technical support for the software and the platform

How does your business make money?

Selling the software, Pro video uploading accounts

**What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?**Our good SEO, YouTube and social channels

How can the future owner improve this business?

Develop Android version of the video recorder, improve the business model, offer more subscriptions plans.

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

January 2016

Post Sale Support


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