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Avatar Maker

Avatar Maker is extension for Google Chrome with +75,000 users


Hi, my name is Jaime, I am a Google Chrome developer. I sell my Avatar Maker extension for Google Chrome.

This extension has a great monthly growth within the Chrome Store and the Google team has chosen it for featured. This extension has more than 75,000 users. Many users, institutes, university professors and some important digital media, such as digital trends, have been interested and published giving more free publicity to the extension.

The extension is ranked in the top 28 fun extensions on the Chrome Store. This extension has good ratings and in the last months, it has fast growth, really good.

To be honest, I am not a monetization specialist but I think that this extension could give good benefits to any company that wants to exploit its growth potential, has many users and is well-positioned.

Some time ago I sold some of my extensions without problems, simply for the fact of continuing to advance in new things.

I released a first version of the Avatar Maker extension on May 11, 2019. I have worked for a long time on the growth of this extension, growth does not happen by itself, I assure you.

I wish the best to its new owner and that he treats users with great respect.

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

May 2019

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