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You have the opportunity to buy the IP of a complete SMS Marketing platform connected to the Square community (6M biz).


Describe your business

We are selling the IP of a complete SMS Marketing platform. SMSDripp is an opportunity to provide the Square community (6M businesses) a platform like SMSBump gave Shopify ($35M exit).

Why are you selling the business?

We are busy with our operational projects.

What is included in the sale?

You get the IP of a complete SMS Marketing platform. There is an integration with Square, Twilio, Hubspot, and Stripe.

What is the technological stack?

Vue, Vuetify, Stripe, Hubspot, Twilio, Square

What actions are required to keep the business working?

SMS marketing is the most effective and popular marketing in 2021. This is the perfect opportunity for an entrepreneur who wants an out-of-the-box solution to build a venture around.

How does your business make money?

You can charge a subscription SaaS fee or per SMS fee.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

We haven't been able to do marketing but had over 60 businesses sign up.

How can the future owner improve this business?

You can raise capital (e.g EZTexting raised $51M) or aim for an exit (e.g SMSBump had $35M exit). You can work with the Square community of 6M businesses or your own audience.

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

August 2020

Post Sale Support


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