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Time Zone Converter

Apps for calculating exact time anywhere in the world across time zones


✨ Editor's Choice

Describe your business

Time Zone Converter is a series of apps (web, macOS, Windows) that help to calculate exact time anywhere in the world across time zones. With Time Zone Converter you can calculate conference call time with remote client, team or oversea friends. Use it for meeting and webinar time planning. For game coordination. And it is perfect for travel planning of course. Website https://timezoneconverterapp.com/

Why are you selling the business?

No time to maintain. My current focus is on other products.

What is included in the sale?

β€” macOS app published in the Apple App Store (user rating 4.5/5.0 overall, latest version rating is 5.0/5.0) https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1255311569?mt=12

β€” Windows app published in the Microsoft Store https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9pg2r2jczfxg

β€” Web app and promo site including domain https://timezoneconverterapp.com/

β€” Source codes

β€” Design mockups, including unpublished iPhone app design and web app v2.0 design.

β€” Google Analytics account

What is the technological stack?

β€” Cross-platform AngularJS apps

β€” ElectronJS for macOS and Windows apps

What actions are required to keep the business working?

β€” Update time zones database 1-2 time per year (very rarely some small countries may change their time zone or daylight saving time rules)

How does your business make money?

β€” One time sale (USD 4.99) of the macOS and Windows app.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

β€” No marketing at all. All traffic is organic. Except one ProductHunt post (#3 Product of the Day) https://www.producthunt.com/posts/time-zone-converter-2

β€” Audience is 2,000 MAU for all apps

β€” 36,000 total visitors (no database of users)

How can the future owner improve this business?

β€” Start doing marketing πŸ™‚

β€” Switch to monthly subscription

β€” Launch a better free web app, the design is ready. That will be a much better organic traffic generator.

Financial metrics

β€” USD 9,500 overall net profit

β€” USD 4,500 last 12 months net profit

β€” Average USD 300 MRR (net profit)

β€” App Store sales graph https://take.ms/cd8Fl

β€” Window Store sales graph https://take.ms/gRc5r


Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.

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Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

April 2017

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