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Travel Agent US is a directly website making around $26/month with around 11,000 page views in the last three months.
Describe your business
Travel Agent US is a directory website that lists different travel services across the US. Users can create accounts to add a listing, upvote, leave comments, and get information on Travel Agents and Agencies near them.
The business makes money through Adsense and other add publishing platforms.
Why are you selling the business?
I'm selling this business because I need extra money.
What is included in the sale?
What is the technological stack?
What actions are required to keep the business working?
Not much. The site functions mainly on auto pilot. However, I do check and monitor reviews on the site once in a while.
How does your business make money?
What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?
How can the future owner improve this business?
Business Start Date
December 2017
Post Sale Support
Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!
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