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Create Custom SVG Icons with AI
Describe your business
Need a custom SVG icon for your website or app? Octoicons has got you covered. Simply enter a prompt and let our AI-powered icon generator create unique and stunning icons for you. Perfect for designers, web developers, and anyone in need of awesome graphics.
Why are you selling the business?
Currently a student with a job and other projects, so I don't have more time for this project.
What is included in the sale?
Domain, code, user Emails, brand
What is the technological stack?
NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, Tailwind
What actions are required to keep the business working?
Marketing, potentially maintenance if NPM packages change, paying bills for infra
How does your business make money?
Credit system. Users purchase credits. Each credit generates a svg icon, with 4 variations. $4 for 20 credits. $8 for 50 credits. $12 for 100 credits.
What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?
Posted on Reddit and a few directories.
How can the future owner improve this business?
Quite a few designers and web developers use programs such as Figma to prototype their designs. Licensing custom icon datasets can be a drag, especially if you are only prototyping, so the AI solution is quick, cheap, and easy. You could build integrations/add ons for popular design software/dev software.
Traffic and income screenshots (Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal, etc.) uploaded by the owner.
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Login to viewBusiness Start Date
April 2023
Post Sale Support
Get in touch with the seller to ask a question, discuss the technology stack, post-sale support, or just make an offer!
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