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Access blocked websites with the Tor powered web proxy. The secure way to hide your IP and browse anonymously.


Describe your business

Everything you want to know about Tor powered web proxy : ) WebOProxy connects you to the Tor, the network run by thousands of volunteers around the world. When you access a website, your request will go to our server, which is running as a VPN, and after that, the request will go directly to the Tor network. Because of this mechanism, no one can track your details (IP address, location, etc.) or your online activities. At the same time, your Internet service provider will see a connection to WebOProxy, not to the destination website or the Tor network. For better protection, all traffic to WebOProxy is encrypted so that your ISP can not decrypt and monitor it. This is how we hide your real IP address and take care of your anonymity and privacy. Whether or not the destination website maintains a secure connection, you can be certain that your web traffic to WebOProxy will always be secured.

Why are you selling the business?

Because of now, our company is more into email-related products. We don't have enough resources to manage privacy or productivity tools.

What is included in the sale?

The domain name, the user-friendly website, and its code base with all related graphics, contents, and trademarks, custom proxy script with the codebase, and we deliver the knowledge required to run the service. Apart from that we also help you to initially set up the service on your own web server.

What is the technological stack?

PHP, Javascript, Laravel, Tor, VPN, and Proxy

What actions are required to keep the business working?

This is a fully functioning website with a ton of active users.

How does your business make money?

from AdSense, Sponsored Ads, and by selling the WebOProxy script.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

WebOProxy is the most active and well established Tor powered web proxy in the market. We have invented the technology to access hidden Tor relays from the surface web interface. The number of active users indicates that the importance of the service.

  • The website received more than 3.3 million impressions from organic google search within the last 12 months.
  • The website has around 70,000 page views per month.
  • Over 20,000 people have searched the term "weboproxy" on google within the last 6 months.
  • The domain contains around 3,000 backlinks to the date.

How can the future owner improve this business?

So far the business is performing well, the future owner can introduce a VPN service or premium package with high bandwidth. The market is still young there can be numerous opportunities to explore.


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Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

May 2019

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