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Creator Management AI

CreatorManagement.ai is an AI-powered platform streamlining collaboration management for UGC creators and managers by au


Describe your business

Creator Management AI is a system that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to automatically sort and organize emails within users' Gmail accounts. It can identify collaboration requests, gig updates, invoices and contracts, and other relevant emails, allowing users to more efficiently manage their inbox. Additionally, it has an automatic email sorting feature which uses machine learning algorithms to categorize emails, and an AI-generated email response feature which leverages natural language processing algorithms to generate draft responses.

What is included in the sale?

Web App, Branding, Domain, Figma File

What is the technological stack?

Bubble.io , Openai

What actions are required to keep the business working?

Marketing activities and minimal app maintenance and operation.

How does your business make money?


What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

None yet, but we have a database of 1000+ creators and agencies

How can the future owner improve this business?

Add more features and conduct marketing activities.

Facts & Figures

Business Start Date

July 2023

Post Sale Support


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